Memcached is a famous distributed memory caching system, which can enhance the speed and the performance of your Internet sites greatly in case they use a database or an API. This is achieved by caching the requests to the API/database and the responses that are returned, so if a client searches for a given product on your Internet site, for instance, the database won’t have to be accessed to show the results and the entire procedure will be performed noticeably quicker. That goes for all sorts of database-powered apps and not only for web shops, since every time a web page is accessed, the app sends a query to its database to get the content that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your website open significantly faster, but it will also create much less server load. If any content in the database is edited, the cached responses will also be updated, so the site visitors won’t see any out-of-date information.
Memcached in Cloud Hosting
Memcached is available as an upgrade with each and every cloud hosting account offered by us and in case you’d like to use it for any script-powered website that you host on our leading-edge cloud hosting platform, you will be able to add it in several simple steps via your Hepsia Control Panel. In the meantime, you’ll be offered the option to upgrade two separate things – the number of instances and the system memory. The first one is related to the number of the Internet sites that can use the Memcached object caching system at the same time, so if you need it for several sites, you can order a number of instances. The second one refers to the maximum amount of memory that Memcached will be permitted to use in order to cache data, so for many sites (or for one single frequently visited site), you should order more memory for better results. The memory is available in increments of 16 MB and more memory can be ordered at any time. With Memcached, each script-driven site hosted on our servers will open much faster.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can add the Memcached data caching platform to any of the semi-dedicated servers that we’re offering and make use of its full potential for any script-powered Internet site hosted by us. The upgrade is accessible through the Hepsia Control Panel and you can select two features – the number of instances and the system memory. These things specify how many websites can use the Memcached platform and how much system memory it will use to store your data. You can select them separately, since a given instance is not tied to a particular amount of memory, so you can use a lot of memory for one traffic-hungry Internet site, for instance. This feature is available in increments of 16 megabytes and you can get as much memory as you wish. The Memcached platform can be used with any script-driven site irrespective of its type, including those that are based on popular Internet applications like Drupal, Joomla or WordPress, and plenty of companies like Zynga and Wikipedia are already using it to boost the overall performance of their websites.
Memcached in VPS Servers
You’ll get Memcached with each of the VPS server packages that we are offering in case you choose Hepsia as your Control Panel and you’ll be able to activate the distributed memory object caching platform via the Control Panel section with the same name. The setup takes a couple of clicks of the mouse and you’ll notice the difference in the overall performance of your sites almost instantaneously. The amount of memory that Memcached can take advantage of to store information depends on the given VPS hosting package that you have picked, but at any rate it will be at least several hundred MB, which is quite enough even for multiple large-scale sites. You can use Memcached with sites driven by Joomla, WordPress or any other web-based app and reduce the load on your VPS, which will permit you to continue using the current Virtual Private Server plan instead of upgrading to a more powerful one, as you will simply not need it. The Memcached platform is already being used by popular websites like Reddit, Wikipedia and Zynga, which proves its efficacy.
Memcached in Dedicated Servers
If you order one of our dedicated servers and if you choose Hepsia as your website hosting Control Panel at signup, you’ll get the Memcached caching platform as standard and you can activate it for any Internet site that you host on your server without upgrading or installing anything. It will start storing info as users open your Internet site, so you will detect the effect of using it shortly thereafter. The minimum amount of system memory that will be available to the platform is three gigabytes and normally, the more powerful the dedicate server package, the more system memory Memcached will have at its disposal. This amount will permit you to use the caching platform for multiple websites or for an extremely large Internet site without weakening its effectiveness. The Memcached platform will enable you to increase the loading speed of any database-powered Internet site in no time – a Joomla portal, a WordPress personal diary, an OpenCart store, etc., and to optimize the performance of your dedicated server.